Your mom is the one who gave you birth and raised you, so naturally she is the most important person in your life. She will always be the one who cares about you and provides you with everything you need.

But some people say that motherhood is the toughest job in the world, and they are right. Moms are the ones who have to take care of their kids and their family. They are the ones who are responsible for everything.

But, when it comes to motherhood, most of us don’t know what to expect and we don’t know how to handle situations. So, sometimes we can get confused and feel like our mothers don’t love us.

Here are some ways that you can tell if your mom doesn’t love you.

1. She doesn’t pay attention to you

The most obvious way to tell that your mom doesn’t love you is when she doesn’t pay attention to you. When you try to talk to her or ask her something, she won’t even listen to you. You can also see this in her facial expressions. If she is busy watching TV or doing something else, then you will never get the attention.

2. She doesn’t share with you

She will always keep her problems and issues to herself and never let you know about it. It is obvious that she is not telling you about your mistakes and wrongdoings because she wants to protect you. She will always give you the benefit of the doubt and never judge you.

3. She is not happy with you

Sometimes, your mom will always seem to be unhappy with you. She will always criticize you and will never be supportive. You can also see this in her facial expressions, if she is angry or sad, then you will never get the love.

4. She is not nice to you

When you are growing up, your mom is supposed to be your best friend. But, if you are facing a problem, you will always seek your mom’s advice. But, you will never get it.

5. She is always critical

Even if you have done a good job, you will never get any praise from her. If you are going through a tough time, then she will always criticize you and make you feel bad.


You need to understand that your mom is not perfect. She has flaws and she is human just like you. If you want to know that whether your mom loves you or not, then you need to check these things.