Friendship is a relation of mutual affection between humans. It’s a more powerful form of emotional bond than an affiliation and is often studied in academic disciplines such as communications, psychology, sociology, law, and anthropology. It’s important to remember though that “friendship” doesn’t always mean the same thing as “common friendship.” Some forms of friendship are actually quite dysfunctional-necrimonious, in the worst sense of the word. It’s important to understand all types of relationships and their specific characteristics if you want to understand human relationships.
One of the most fundamental aspects of friendship; is the fact that it requires ongoing effort on the part of both parties. In most cases, a friend would not only spend time with his or her best friends, they’d also spend time doing things that make them both happy. Friends don’t just click; they’re friends.
Commonly, people love to be friends with one another because they have something in common. Most of the time this is based on religion, culture, or race. Most of the time there is also a common interest. You may love animals, but if you’re from the Midwest, you probably know a few people who love horses.
There are plenty of examples of friendships that aren’t so perfect; One example is that bouillon. In this case, we’re talking about a friendship between two guys. illon and Jacques were both skateboarders. They skateboarded at least three times a week and spent many weekends together, going to different skate parks, restaurants, hotels, shopping centers, or just around the neighborhood. The downside to this kind of friendship is that, eventually, one of the men stopped skating and became a recluse.
- Another example of a friendship that didn’t take immediate control is emo.
- Emo is usually a term used to refer to teenagers who feel like they fit in with the hardcore/punk crowd.
- Sometimes they fit in so well, they even write books about it! People like to hang out with these kinds of people because they have a certain attitude.
- Often, they’re quite sadistic, which can lead to some serious problems if not controlled by positive peers.
All relationships start out as friendships; If you’re in a situation where you’re questioning whether or not you have a true friendship on your hand – then you need to ask yourself, “What kind of friendship am I trying to build?” If you have a friendship that consists of bickering, arguing, fighting, arguing, lying, backstabbing, sarcasm, name-calling, spite, and a lot of general disrespect – then you need to get out of the relationship. Having a healthy, positive, and respectful relationship with a friend is much better than having a toxic and abusive one. Being a better person means that you treat others with respect no matter how they act.