What does hopeless romantic mean to you? Some traits are qualities you may be born with. Romantic ideas about love and life generally. Limerence. Overly sentimental.
Seriously, if you’re feeling hurt by someone you’ve loved – but are still determined to get to the heart of your life back, then really, do not view this as being hopeless. That’s actually being a very real, true romantic. The pain of a break-up can make us feel things we don’t like. But it’s what comes out of the pain that defines our true feelings about the situation.
What does hopeless romantic mean – then, to a person who has truly come to appreciate themselves and their capabilities as a person? It means they have come to see themselves as being worthy of love. It also means that they feel a tremendous sense of inferiority. For all their faults, they believe they have the ability to offer the greatest gift of all. And sometimes, that gift can be found in the most unlikely of places…
Most of the time – these “what does hopeless romantics” do not know how to use their gift in a way that will make a lasting positive difference in their lives. They don’t know how to draw inspiration from their own lives. They don’t know how to tap into the feelings, thoughts, and creativity of others. Most importantly, they don’t feel secure enough in their own ability to truly “have a heart”. So, they try to thrust the blame elsewhere.
This is where most “what does hopeless romantic mean?” people come into play. Blaming someone else for your problems or lack of inspiration is unhealthy and unnecessary. The first step in creating lasting happiness is accepting that you can only do it yourself. If others are not capable of providing it, why would you expect them to?
It doesn’t matter what other people call hopeless romantics. It doesn’t matter what they consider their personal definitions. What’s important is that you are comfortable with who you are and what you are passionate about.
When reading about what does romantic mean – many people get caught up in the idea of finding their “soul mate.” They think about finding their prince charming. This is where the term “fairy-tale” comes in. This is the idea that there is a magical romantic possibility out there just for the brave and the pretty. I think this concept goes far beyond the imagination. I believe that finding your true love is within each individual.
No one person defines or owns the term “romantic.” – Love is a very broad term that encompasses so many different concepts. We can be infatuated with the idea of finding our soul mate, finding a partner, or finding our life’s perfect romantic relationship. To some extent this is necessary. However, to live a full and successful life, you must realize that while you need a romantic relationship in your life, there are other factors that will determine your happiness and your sense of personal fulfillment.
In my opinion, the most useful way to draw inspiration – from what does hopeless romantic definition is to take action and make positive changes in your life. Inspirational posters can be a great motivator and can motivate you to reach your full potential. By taking action, you’ll find the inspiration you seek.