If you have been wondering why does he keep me around if he doesn’t want a relationship, you are probably similar to the thousands of other women in the same boat. Every guy is different and no two men will behave in the same way when it comes to relationships. There are plenty of men out there who would love to get married to you, but just don’t have the time or money for that right now. You need to understand his behavior if you hope to determine what is keeping him from settling down with you.
One of the biggest issues with men: who are just not ready to settle down is that they are not providing you with the emotional support that you need to get through this time. He may be a good guy and all, but your days of dating are pretty much over at this point. If you need to have somebody who can take care of you emotionally when you are hurting, then you need to make sure that you can count on him. If you feel like you can’t rely on him to be there for you, then it is time to move on and find somebody else who can provide that type of support. If your relationship was really important to him, he would never want to let go of it by not giving you the attention that you need.
Another common issue that causes a man to stay with the girl: he likes is that he just feels like she is very good for him. Even if he loves the woman, he just sometimes feels that she is too much of a ‘packrat’ for him. He knows that she will always keep coming back for him and he likes the idea of that. If a guy says he likes the woman he is dating, he wants to be with her as much as possible. This also explains why he keeps coming back to her: so he can be with her whenever he wants to be.
If you are constantly around him and he just doesn’t want to commit: then this could mean that there are other issues affecting his emotions. He could be feeling some type of pain from something that happened in his past. If the girl he likes is causing him to be depressed because she is constantly around, he may feel trapped and unable to move on with his life. He needs the emotional support he feels from you to get him through these tough times. If your guy sees you are more important than anything else, then he will want to spend every moment possible with you.
If he is seeing somebody new: it could be that he has issues… Maybe he saw someone else but thinks he still has to have you. Or, he may just be used to seeing the same faces all the time. Whatever the case, if he keeps coming back to you because you are always there for him, then he is emotionally attached to you. He will do anything for you… even if it means breaking up with his current girlfriend to get you. If he does want a relationship but doesn’t want to have one right now, then let go and move on.
Remember when you were dating him to really listen to him: Really, truly listen to what he has to say. Really give him time and space to work through his issues, and don’t try to push him into having a serious relationship with you. If your man keeps coming back to you, whether he has any intentions of ever getting serious with you or not… then you have an unhealthy relationship in your hands.
If you truly want your man to stay around, make yourself unavailable to him.